How to Create a Simple Restful API using NodeJs, ExpressJs, And MongoDB

Restful API using NodeJs, Express and MongoDb

In this article, we are going to create Rest API using NodeJs, Express, and MongoDB. In the first phase, we will describe what do we mean by REST API. Definition of Restful API REST is an acronym for “REpresentational State Transfer”. Like any other architectural style, Rest also has its guiding protocol, which consists of … Read more How to Create a Simple Restful API using NodeJs, ExpressJs, And MongoDB

ReactJs Tutorial: How to use ReactJs Hooks (useState, useEffect)

reactjs hook

In react 16.8, it came with a gift to all React developers, i.e., Reactjs hooks. It launched at the React conference in October 2018. In Reactjs hooks, we can use all other ReactJs features without using class. It means we can use state and other React features without writing a class. It is a fundamental … Read more ReactJs Tutorial: How to use ReactJs Hooks (useState, useEffect)

Implementation of authentication and authorization in Node Js

node js authentication and authorization

In this article, we are going to learn how to implement Authentication and Authorization for our Node server. In the first part, we will try to understand the basic definition of authentication and authorization. Introduction Firstly, we will try to understand what does mean by authentication. Authentication means to recognize the proper user should enter … Read more Implementation of authentication and authorization in Node Js